As a (now ex-) Software Team Lead, this is a quick rant about putting the phrase 'C/C++' on your C.V./resume, based on my experiences of recruiting over the past couple of years. TL:DW - When applying for a C++ role, if you put 'C/C++' on your CV and you are a C++ programmer you are selling yourself short. If you put 'C/C++' on your CV and you don't know idiomatic C++ you are wasting everyone's time. Better to be upfront about it and focus on selling your other skills. Some decent C++ books/resources that I've personally bought and read (were originally affiliate links but not any longer): Scott Meyers - Effective C++ (there are more in the series) Herb Sutter - Exceptional C++ 'Gang of Four' - Design Patterns: Elements of Re-usable Object-Oriented Software Stack Exchange discussion about the differences between C and C++